Returns the week of the year for a given date.

Sample Usage

WEEKNUM(DATE(2019, 10, 17), 1)


WEEKNUM(date, [type])

  • date - The date for which to determine the week number.
  • type - [OPTIONAL] A number that sets the start of the week, and the calculation type.



WEEKNUM(DATE(2019, 10, 17), 1) returns the week number corresponding to the specified date. i.e. 42.
WEEKNUM("1/1/2020") returns the value 1.


  • If type is left unspecified or is set to 1, Sunday marks the start of a week. Also, the first week of the year is considered to be the week containing January 1, which is numbered week 1.
  • If type is set to 2, Monday marks the start of the week. Also, the first week of the year is considered to be the week containing the first Thursday of the year, which is numbered as week 1. 
  • Problems can occur if dates are entered as text. You can use the DATE function to enter a date. For example, use DATE(2020,2,3) for the 3rd day of January, 2020.