Setting a Row as the Table Header

Setting a table header row allows you to differentiate between the table and header regions of your worksheet.

Set and unset the table header row to change where your table data starts, which row is used to name your columns, to create a header region for summary data, and more.  

How to Set a Row as the Table Header

To set a row as the table header row, select the desired row, right click on the row header, and select "Set row as table header" from the dropdown.

If you try and set a table header row in a table with a sort or filter applied, you will receive an error message. To proceed, you must remove the sort or filter, set the table header row, and then reapply the sort or filter.

What happens when a table header row is set?

When you set a row as the table header row, you'll see three changes occur simultaneously in your worksheet:

  1. A database icon mceclip0.png will appear next to the row's number in the row header 
  2. The column names will change to match the corresponding titles in each column of your table header row
  3. All cells in the table header row are converted to the Text data type, even for columns with strict column data validation

How to Unset the Table Header Row

You cannot delete the table header row outright. However, you can unset the table header row either by changing the table header row or unsetting the table header row. To unset the table header, select the table header, right-click, and select "Unset row as table header" from the dropdown.

For more on what the table header row and table header region enable, including the effect on sorts and filters, check out our article on the Table Header Row and Table Header Region.