Personal Settings

Manage your account settings from the Personal Settings dialog.

You can make changes to your account settings from the Personal settings dialog. To open the dialog, click on your profile picture in the top right corner of the screen and select “Personal settings” from the dropdown.


Each menu item at the top of the dialog takes you to a different page of your personal settings. The pages are:


  1. My Profile: Edit basic account settings like your name, profile picture, email address, and password.
  2. My Workspaces: View a list of all of the workspaces to which you belong and access the workspace settings for each one.
  3. Invite & referral Credit: View your credit balance and apply it to a workspace.
  4. Notifications: Manage email notifications from
  5. API Keys: View, generate, and manage your API keys.

Let’s take a closer look at each one.

My Profile

The My Profile page lets you change basic account settings like your profile picture and name, as well as view your personal credit balance.


From the top left corner of the page, you can click either of the “Edit” buttons next to your profile picture and name to edit each of them. Both your profile picture and name are visible to other users when you collaborate with them in workbooks and send them notifications, and your name is used to @Mention you in channels and cells.

To the right of your profile picture, you can change the email address and password associated with your account. Your email address determines how you login to and where your notifications are sent.

If you change your password, make sure your new one is strong. Strong passwords ideally contain:

  • At least 12 characters
  • Some alphanumeric symbols
  • At least 1 capital letter
  • At least 1 number
  • At least 1 special character (e.g., #, &, $)
  • Intermix characters and numerals rather than ending with a sequence of numbers

What happens if I forget my password?

If you forget your password, you can request a password reset from the login page. When you go to login, click the “Forgot password?” link above the password field to be taken to a password reset page. A link to reset your password will be sent to the email address associated with your account.


In the middle of the page, you can view your credit balance and apply it to one of your workspaces.

Learn more about credit in our article on Personal and Workspace Credit.

My Workspaces

From the My Workspaces page, you can view a list of workspaces to which you belong and see whether you are a licensed user or workspace admin in each one. Click the gear icon to the right of each workspace name to access its workspace settings dialog.

Invite & Referral Credit

The Invite & referral credit page lets you view your credit balance and apply it to one of your workspaces. You can also copy your referral link and view a history of the credit you’ve earned.

When someone without a pre-existing account uses your referral link to create an account, both of you will receive $10 in personal credit. Personal credit can be applied to any paid plan.

Learn more about credit in our article on Personal and Workspace Credit.


From the Notifications page, you can manage your email notification settings. Toggle the checkbox next to “Email notifications” to turn on or off notifications about:

  • @Mentions,
  • User cell notifications, and
  • New comments in your workbooks.

You will always receive notifications for sharing invitations sent to you regardless of this setting.

Learn more about notifications in our article on Notifications.

API Keys

From the API Keys page, you can view and manage your existing API keys and generate new ones. API keys can be used to connect your account with third-party services like Zapier.

Learn more about generating and configuring new API keys in our article on API Keys.