Channels, Comment Threads, and Messages

Send messages in channels to communicate with your team, exchange notes and feedback, and centralize communication.

When you invite other users to your workbooks, you can collaborate with them in different channels within the workbook, as well as in resolvable comment threads in individual cells. Channels are a place to chat with one another and swap notes, comments, and ideas. Channels support message replies, tagging other users with an @mention, and emoji reactions.

Channels are only supported in workbooks.

Channels and Comment Threads

Each workbook has multiple places where collaborators can exchange comments and messages: the Workbook Channel, Row Channels, and Cell Comment Threads. To comment, users must have a permission level of Commenter or higher. All channels display content in reverse chronological order with the newest messages at the bottom.

Workbook Channel

The Workbook Channel can be accessed from any worksheet or View within a workbook. In addition to messages, the Workbook Channel contains an audit log of users who have been added to the workbook. Access the Workbook Channel by clicking the messages icon in the top right corner of the workbook.


The Workbook messages window also includes a Cell comments page, which displays a list of all comments that have been left in individual cells.


Use the buttons at the top of the page to filter comments by sheet, or by whether or not they have been resolved.

Row Channels

Each workbook row has its own Row Channel, accessed by expanding the row. Row Channels are also visible when you expand a row by clicking on a Related Row value.


The Primary Column can also be configured to show an Activity icon indicating rows that have row messages. To display this icon, right click or click the downward arrow in the Primary Column header and select "Show Activity icon" from the dropdown.

Cell Comment Threads

In addition to leaving comments in the Workbook and Row Channels, you can also comment on individual cells. Right-click a cell and select “Cell messages…” from the dropdown. Cells with unresolved comment threads are denoted by a yellow flag in the top right corner of the cell. Access unresolved cell comment threads by hovering over the cell.

Once a comment has been left in a cell, other workbook users can reply to it in a unified message thread. Cell Comment Threads can be resolved once the issue is addressed by clicking the checkmark icon in the top right corner of the message dialog.


When a thread is resolved, the messages will no longer be visible when hovering over the cell, but can be seen in the Cell comments page of the Workbook messages dialog.

Channel Messages

Messaging collaborators in channels is similar to messaging apps like Slack and Microsoft Teams. You can send notes and comments, tag other collaborators with @mentions, reply to other collaborator’s messages, and react to messages with emojis.

Sending Messages and Tagging Users

To send a new message, compose your message in the text box at the bottom of a channel and press Enter or Return. Mention another user by typing an @ symbol and then the user’s name, or selecting it from the dropdown. Or, click the @ symbol in the bottom left corner of the message field to access a list of all workbook users.

If a user does not appear in the list of users who can be @ mentioned, they either haven’t been added to your workbook or don’t have a sufficient permission level to read comments.

Emojis and Emoji Reactions

Include emojis in your messages by accessing the emoji selector – opened by clicking the emoji icon in the bottom left corner of the message field – or by using your computer’s emoji keyboard.

You can also react to existing messages with emojis. Hover over the message and click the emoji icon from the popup menu in the top right corner of the message. Select an emoji from the emoji selector.



Replying to a message includes the message that’s being replied to and notifies its author. To reply to a message, hover over it and click the arrow icon. The previous message will appear above the text box and in your comment when you send your reply.

Editing and Deleting Messages

In addition to replying and reacting to messages, some users can edit their messages and delete any message in the channel.

Viewers cannot see Workbook, Row, or Cell Channels. All other users can react and reply to messages and can edit their own messages. Only Owners and Managers can delete messages.

To edit or delete a message, hover over it, click the More actions button, and select “Edit” or “Delete” from the dropdown menu.

Learn More: Sharing and Collaboration’s sharing and collaboration features help you work with your team more efficiently and effectively, no matter how big or small. Learn more with these resources:

  • Sharing Permissions” – Learn how managing permission levels for your folders and documents helps you control access to your data
  • Publicly Sharing and Embedding Documents” – Learn how to easily share your data with anyone, even if they don’t have a account
  • Notifications” – Learn how to view and manage the notifications you receive from