Converts an Arabic number into Roman, as text.

Sample Usage



ROMAN(number, [mode])

  • number - The number which is to be converted into Roman. 
  • mode - [OPTIONAL] A number specifying the type of roman numeral. 


ROMAN(16) returns the Roman number corresponding to the given number, i.e. XVI. 
ROMAN(C5) returns the Roman number corresponding to the number in cell C5.


  • With reference to mode , note the following: 
    • A mode of 0 indicates strict precedence rules. I may only precede V and X, V may only precede X, X may only precede L and C , L may only precede C, and C may only precede D and M.
    • A mode of 1 indicates a relaxation where V may may precede L and C. L may precede D and M. 
    • A mode of 2 indicates a further relaxation where I may precede L and C, and X may precede D and M.  
    • A mode of 3 indicates a further relaxation where V may precede D and M. 
    • A mode of 4 indicates a further relaxation where I may precede D and M.  
  • The ROMAN function performs the opposite action of the ARABIC  function.