Returns the sum of a power series.
Sample Usage
SERIESSUM(x, n, m, coefficients)
- x - The input value to the power series.
- n - The initial power to which to raise x.
- m - The additive increment by which to increase x.
- coefficients - The array or range containing the coefficients of the power series.
SERIESSUM(1,0,1,A1:A5) returns the approximation of the mathematical constant e raised to power 1. Here, the array A1 to A5 contains 1/FACT(0), 1/FACT(1), 1/FACT(2), 1/FACT(3), and 1/FACT(4).
- If any argument is non-numeric, SERIESSUM returns the #VALUE! error value.
- Power series may be used to approximate various constants and functions, including e (Euler's number), logarithms, integrals, trigonometric functions, etc.