Sample Usage
QUARTILE.INC(range, quartile)
- range - The range containing the dataset.
- quartile - The quartile value to return.
QUARTILE.INC(A2:A25,1) locates the position of the first quartile.
QUARTILE.INC(A2:A25,3) locates the position of the third quartile.
- If quartile is not an integer, it is truncated.
- quartile must be between 0 and 4, inclusive.
- 0 returns the minimum value in range (0% mark).
- 1 returns the value in range closest to the first quartile (25% mark).
- 2 returns the value in range closest to the second quartile (50% mark).
- 3 returns the value in range closest to the third quartile (75% mark).
- 4 returns the maximum value in range (100% mark).
- QUARTILE.INC calculates quartile based on a quartile range inclusive of 0th and 4th quartile.