
The Checkbox data type is for toggling a true/false state.

Sometimes called a binary or a boolean, the checkbox is a simple yes/no box that is useful for visually showing "Yes" or "No" and for forms where users can quickly check boxes.

Use Checkbox data types to check off affected user types in that bug tracker you built, to track if respondents answered "Yes" or "No" to questions in your survey, or as a tick box in a sheet you create for your team to vote on lunch.


Configuration Options


Like other data types, Checkbox data types can have Strict enabled. Selecting the Strict checkbox for Checkbox cells will restrict users to input only true/false statements. Also, columns that have Strict enabled cannot have cells of different data types.


Checkbox sizes and colors are fixed, but you can modify the alignment of checkboxes using the alignment settings in the toolbar.

Conversion Behavior

If you already have data in some cells recorded as "true" or "false", can convert that data to the Checkbox data type. When converting numerical values to checkboxes, zeros will convert to unchecked boxes and all other numbers will be converted to checked boxes.

The Checkbox data type is one of the various data types that can be used for custom forms, including the Rating data type, Icon set data type, and Select and Multiselect data types. Or, read on to learn more about the rest of's Data Types.