Spreadsheet.com goes beyond text and numbers with support for over 25 rich data types that you can choose from at the cell, range, and column levels.
Each cell or column has a defined data type that you can change at any time. You can override column data types with cell and range data types so you can put any data anywhere. Owners and Managers of workbooks can change data types at any time.
How to Change Data Types
In Spreadsheet.com, you can set data types at three levels: Columns, a Cell, or a Range of Cells. Begin by selecting the column, cell, or range of cells for which you want to change the data type. Right click on your selection and select "Edit data type..." from the dropdown.
Or, with your selection highlighted, click the Edit data type button from the right hand side of the toolbar. Note that the icon will change depending on the range's current data type.
Either option will open the Edit data type dialog, where you can select the cell's new data type from the "Type" field dropdown.
Different data types will have different possible settings, though all data types (except Automatic) allow you to restrict the data in that range to only data of that data type. For instance, restricting an Attachment cell prevents users from typing text in addition to adding files.
Once you've specified the cell's new data types and configured it to your needs, click the blue Update button in the bottom right corner of the dialog and the cell will update to reflect the new data type.
When you change the data type for a column, cell, or range of cells that includes strict data or the primary column, you may encounter some unique behavior and restrictions. Learn more about navigating this in each of the corresponding articles.
Undoing Changes
Like most other changes in Spreadsheet.com, you can undo a change in data type. To undo, either select Undo in the toolbar or type Ctrl + Z (CMD + Z for Mac users). Undoing edits to a cell's data type will restore the cell to its previous data type.
Restrictions on the Primary Column
The primary column only supports alphanumeric data types. The data types that can be used in the primary column are:
While editing the data type of the primary column, you can change its data type to other alphanumeric data types only. Conversely, a column with any of the following data types cannot be designated as a primary column: Attachment, Related row, User, Checkbox, Select, Multiselect, Rating, Icon set, Related row lookup, and System columns (like Updated by and Created at).
Converting Between Data Types
When changing data types, you may convert existing data to the new data type. For more information on how data of one type converts to another, see our article on Converting the Data Type of Existing Data.
Learn more about working with data types in our Introduction to Data Types, or read on to find out more about Converting the Data Type of Existing Data and Data Validation with Strict Columns and Cells.