Integration Action Types's integration action types let you take action in third-party services like Gmail and Slack when automations are triggered.

In, Automations consist of two necessary parts (Triggers and Actions), and may also include Conditions. Triggers tell your automations when to be activated, while actions determine what does. can both take a standard action on an existing worksheet or an integration action with applications outside of

Integration action types are a great way to connect with other apps and services you use for work. For example, you can post updates on Slack when you get new customer service requests, add contacts to Mailchimp when they fill out forms, or send your team recurring emails reminding them of outstanding tasks.


Native Integrations

Currently,'s native automations platform allows for the following integration actions, each of which has its own article explaining how to create and use these actions in detail.

Zapier Integrations works with Zapier integrations, enabling you to connect your workbooks to over 4,000 third-party applications like Salesforce, Quickbooks, Google Sheets, and Jira. By connecting your account to other services via Zapier, things you do on other services can be reflected in your workbooks, and vice versa.

Actions done via Zapier are known as Zaps. Zaps consist of one or multiple triggers and actions. These work similarly to’s native automations: when one thing occurs (the trigger), it prompts an action in response. can be the source of the trigger or the destination of the action.

For example, you can connect with Salesforce so that every time you update a record in Salesforce, a Zap updates the corresponding row in a workbook. Or you can connect with Google Calendar so that when you add a new row to a workbook, a Zap automatically creates a new event on your calendar and invites the relevant people.

To learn more about connecting your account with Zapier and creating your own Zaps, visit our suite of articles on Zapier Integrations.

Learn more about what you can do with automations through's trigger types and standard action types. Or, read on to learn more about managing your existing automations and viewing your automation run history.