Spreadsheet.com offers discount pricing for nonprofit and education organizations.
Discount Pricing for Nonprofits
If your organization is a registered 501(c)(3) in the United States or holds a similar charitable status with a government agency in another country, you may be eligible for a 50% discount on a paid Spreadsheet.com plan.
Note that some nonprofit organizations are ineligible for discount pricing regardless of government registration status. Ineligible organizations include:
- Hospitals, hospital auxiliaries, nurses registers or bureaus, health insurance organizations, prepared group health plans, group medical practice associations, and in-faculty group practice associations.
- Religious organizations without a secular community designation. To have a secular designation, an organization must provide services to people regardless of their religious beliefs and must not propagate a belief in a specific faith.
- Organizations that advocate, support, or practice discrimination based on age, ethnicity, gender, national origin, disability, race, size, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic background. - Inpatient care facilities.
- Economic Development organizations, such as Chambers of Commerce (excluding foundations), Business Improvement Districts, and local and regional economic development organizations with a primary focus on commercial business development.
- Government-managed/owned nonprofits, such as nonprofits funded by local, state or federal government that function without an independent board of directors, or are managed by a government agency.
- Trade or business associations.
- Sports, athletic, recreational, and social activities, except for community centers and community recreational facilities.
- Fraternal beneficiary societies, orders, or associations; providers of other services or benefits to members or employees. - Legislative and political activity organizations.
- Educational organizations such as a school, college, university, or a related organization. Note: Educational organizations may be eligible for our education discount.
To apply for a discount plan, please visit this form to enter your organization’s information, upload your nonprofit documentation, and verify your eligibility criteria.
Discount Pricing for Education
Spreadsheet.com also offers a 50% education discount to individuals and teams that are in the field of education. Eligible education staff include:
- IT staff at a university, college, or other type of school.
- Groups and staff at a trade school.
- Administrative staff and departments at public, parochial or private high schools.
- Managers of an online education program.
- High school students older than 16 years.
To apply for a discounted education plan, please visit this form to enter your information and verify your eligibility criteria.
For more information about billing, paid plans, credit, and account management, check out our suite of articles on Billing and Paid Plans. If you still have questions, reach out to our Support team at support@spreadsheet.com.